photo by Tom Brogan
You can always tell fellow music obsessed types by the music they listen to themselves. Ted Leo clearly loves music, as evidenced by the gargantuan amount of cover songs he's unleashed upon us fellow music geeks. You Ain't No Picasso has amassed a startling collection of covers you can snatch up here. How did he know I love Nick Lowe? How did he guess my fascination with Split Enz? Has Mr. Leo been spying on me and my current fixation with The Replacements? Maybe not, but if he starts doing Son Volt, Hardship Post, and Robyn Hitchcock or the Soft Boys, I'm gonna get worried. Here's a sprinkling, download them all and much, much more at YANP.
So It Goes (Nick Lowe)
Six Months in a Leaky Boat (Split Enz)- Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Can't Hardly Wait (The Replacements)
I'm Looking Through You (The Beatles)
Joey (Concrete Blonde)
Outdoor Miner (Wire)
The Onion's A/V. Club are putting 25 video cover versions out there, and Ted Leo did the first. Tears for Fears? The other covers sure look interesting, with Scruffy favourites like R.E.M., Guided By Voices, and Pavement all making the cut.
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists have a new record out called The Brutalist Bricks. Here's a couple from that one.

Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - Even Heroes Have To Die by Royalty Central
Ted Leo - The Mighty Sparrow by nmemagazine
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