Okay, I've been out of commission, here are some things that caught my eyes and ears over the last little while. It's an unconnected grab bag, deal with it.
New Sloan! O Happy day! Sloan will be releasing their 10th studio album, The Double Cross, on May 10th from Yep Roc Records, distributed by the Outside Music Label in Canada. The new single, Follow the Leader, does not sound much like other Sloan-tunes, which is cool, I like when artists keep their own blood flowing. I accidentally caught the band on a kid's show the other day and wondered when something new would appear, and magically, it did! Andrew Scott also has a new website for his artwork, check it out here.
Sloan - Follow The Leader by Outside-Music
MP3hugger reports that the reformed Ned's Atomic Dustbin may have some new recorded music coming. I'm intrigued.
Kill your 2010 by ModernIdiot76
Ned's Atomic Dustbin-PreminitionREMIX by Nacho Sargentillo by Nacho Sargentillo
New Strokes? Why not? There were no rock bands in the top 25 Billboard-charting artists of last year, so here's hoping more rock albums get some hype.
You're So Right by The Strokes by swipesound
12:51 - The Strokes by realGOODmusik
The Strokes Games (The Cloud I'm Under Remix) by thecloudimunder
The Strokes - Under cover of darkness (Bear Twists Remix) by Bear Twists
THE STROKES- undercover of darkness by aaron axelsen
Stripper's Union, the unholy alliance of The Tragically Hip's Rob Baker and the Odd's Craig Northey, have recorded a nw album entitled The Deuce, which was released March 8th.

Matt Epp is a Winipegger to watch, as well as listen to, of course. Epp and his Amorian Assembly wil release new album At Dawn on April 23.
If You Were Here (duet with Matt Epp) by AnnVriend
Tour Dates:
Apr 7 McNallys Regina, Saskatchewan
Apr 8 Haven Social Club Edmonton, Alberta, CA
Apr 9 The Ironwood Calgary, Alberta , CA
Apr 12 St. James Hall Vancouver, British Co, CA
Apr 13 Joe's Garage Courtney, British Co, CANADA
Apr 15 The Maquinna Tofino, British Co, CA
Apr 17 The Royal on Baker Nelson, British Co, CA
Apr 20 The Slice Lethbridge, Alberta, CA
Apr 22 Lydia's Saskatoon, SK, CANADA
Apr 23 West End Cultural Centre Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA
Apr 24 Fire'n'Water Concert Series Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba, CANADA
Apr 29 The Cameron House (back room) Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
May 1 Black Sheep Inn Wakefield, Quebec, CA
May 3 Governor's Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scoti, CANADA
May 5 Ship Inn St. John’s, Newfoundla, CA
May 6 Ship Inn St. John’s, Newfoundla, CA
May 7 Whelans Gate Corner Brook, Newfoundla, CANADA
May 11 The Seahorse Halifax, Nova Scoti, CANADA
May 12 The Paramount Lounge Moncton, New Brunsw, CANADA
May 13 Baba's Lounge Charlottetown
Metric at the Heritage Classic playing Stadium Love in a Stadium? Better than Clay Aiken and 3 Days Grace at the NHL All-star Game.
Metric Stadium Love (Poyan Remix) by Poyan
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