I went to see Pixies for their Doolittle concert recently, and it was a good time, noisy rock and roll show. My only complaint would be that at times the vocal effects were a little overwhelming, kind of like the dry ice fog clouds that obscured the band, the entire stage, and much of the crowd for Into the White.
But hey, that's quibbling, Doolittle is one of my favourite albums of all time, and that's the first time I've seen a band perform their whole record in sequence. It's an interesting idea, an audience member is compelled to listen to their least favourite songs along with their most favourite (or the hits). I had a friend who once said that the bad songs on a record make the good ones better. I don't know if that's true, but I know I am still intrigued by the idea of an album as a whole as a particular art form. If you missed the show and would like to make up your own mind about Pixies doing Doolittle in Winnipeg, check out Teenage Dogs in Trouble to get sorted.
What with Lovering and Santiago musing about the possibility of new Pixies music, I've also been thinking, What if they don't? I'll never get the amazed feeling of excitement that I got listening to Brave New Waves and hearing Monkey Gone to Heaven again. I don't know how likely it is that a new Pixies album would match my wonder upon doling out the shekels for Doolittle on vinyl and discovering a whole new world. But Frank Black/Black Francis has put out a lot of really good music that has a lot more dimensions than Pixies, bringing in touches of country, rhythm and blues, 80's synth pop with Grand Duchy, and singer-songwriter/storyteller flourishes. None of his albums have blown me away, but every disc has grown on me, and every one has a few stupendous songs and a few more good ones. I think it's time we shoved the new Pixies album hopes to the backburner and appreciate FB's work on its own merits.
Black Francis - Dead Man's Curve by cafe_magro
BLACK FRANCIS / Six Legged Man by indie-1
Frank Black Kicked in the Taco 1 by CreepCreep
Bill Jocko by Frank Black by Timedoor
04 Frank Black - 17 - Gouge Away by spunxtain
Where Is My Mind (Placebo ft. Frank Black) by ben.burns
Frank Black/The Man Who Was Too Loud by Briandoherty
Il Cuchaiao by Black Francis by Timedoor
The World - Black Francis by Amo Descubrir Canciones
Black Francis with Joey Santiago by Oedipus
Black Francis - She Took All The Money by Moitionpic
Comments are welcome below. Rant, rave, celebrate the fact you survived the Rapture.
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