So I received an email informing that Scruffy the Yak has been tagged as a contender for the Searchlight Best Music Website in the land. Hadn't heard of the award, and I still don't know a lot about it. What does the winner get? Bragging rights? I'm not sure. But I looked at the "long list" of nominees and the polls, and now I'm even more confused.
Scruffy the Yak is up against artists like Arcade Fire, Tegan and Sara, Matthew Good, Joel Plaskett, Dan Mangan, Shad, Aidan Knight, Plants and Animals, Holy Fuck, Jim Bryson, New Pornographers, Buck 65, professional online magazines like Chartattack and Exclaim!, a radio station, labels or stores like Zunior, Paper Bag, Mint, a couple of folk fests...and I don't see how we all fit under the same category. I won't even get into the idea of awards and competitions, art and commerce here (but Dave Bidini did a superfine good article touching on that subject as per Stompin' Tom Connors here). But letting people know about Canuck sites is okay with me. What the heck, I may have been voted off the best music website island already, I'm not sure when the list is whittled down to 50. But if you want to vote for Scruffy the Yak, go here, have a ball. Here's the long list of nominees, go check a few out.
3 AM Revelations
33 Mag.com
A.S.A.P Music Blog
Acoustic Roof
Aidan Knight
AUX tv
Backstage Rider
Broken Speaker
Buying Shots for Bands
Ca Va Cool
Calgary Cassette Preservation Society
Canada is a Music Mecca
Can Con, The
Christine McAvoy Photography Blog
Chipped Hip
Chrome Waves
Coke Machine Glow
Compact DISCcovery
Dan Mangan Music
Earbuds and Ticket Stubs
Eric's Head
From Blown Speakers
Gallery AC
Go North to Detroit, South to Windsor
Hero Hill
Hillside Festival
Home County Music Festival
Holy F*ck
I Heart Music
Indie Craft Attack
Indie Files, The
Indie Music Filter
Island SoapBox
Jim Bryson
Joel Plaskett
Last Gang Records
Live Music Project
Mabye Smith's Twitter Feed
Matthew Good
Mechanical Forest Sound
New Pornographers
Midnight Poutine
Mint Records
Morning Noon Light
Music Nerd Chronicles
Music Nova Scotia
My Ottawa Listings
Naked Jams
North by East West
Painting Over Silence
Panic Manual
Paper Bag Records
Plants and Animals
Polaris Music Prize
Punk Radio Cast
Punk News.org
Punk Ottawa
Quick Before It Melts
Radio Free Canuckistan
Royal City Scene
Said the Gramophone
Said the Whale
Scruffy The Yak
Singing Lamb
Skeleton Crew Quarterly
Southern Souls
Sticky Magazine
Swim Drink Fish Music
Tegan and Sara
Thorny Bleeder Records
Turn Up My Photo.ca
Underground Arts Railroad
Vancouver is Awesome - Independent Music
Violent Kin
Weird Canada
Winnie Cooper
Winnipeg Folk Fest
You Are My Symphonic
Gold Motel- Summer House- Don't Send The Searchlights by Microhits
Searchlight by bryan_drummond
02 Searchlight by user9754462
Searchlight by andrewsteven
Searchlight by primary0
Searchlight Waltz by user6763153
Operation Searchlight by casus.luciferi
Congratulations!! Lots of quality competition, but I'm always partial to local websites myself. Hey, they should also run a Canada's best blog competition as well!
Good luck!!
Thanks. I got knocked out already, but hey, I dunno how I got nominated in the first place.
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