Crystal Castles recently unleashed a new version of their Platinum Blonde cover, Not in Love, this time prominently featuring Robert Smith of The Cure. The Not In Love EP will come out on December 6th 2010 on Fiction Records. I guess it makes sense, Platinum Blonde and The Cure both used massive amounts of hair products and makeup, and I can see the line between Toronto-based Crystal Castles and the 80s Canuck rock/pop PB epitomise for some. Platinum Blonde's first record was pretty hooky stuff, thought the band devolved into wishy-washy warblers soon afterwards. What's weird is that I remember the peroxide boys playing the old Winnipeg Arena, whereas the only place The Cure played in town was a dingy basement bar.
Crsytal Castles & Robert Smith - Not in Love
Crystal Castles - Not in Love
Platinum Blonde - Not in Love
I had no idea others had covered this tune.
Not In Love ft. Robert Smith, by Crystal Castles by GRÉGOIRE HØVIKSTAD
Platinum Blonde-Not In Love by Check The Availability
Crystal Castles (ft. Robert Smith) - Not In Love (Amazing Love Bootleg) by amazinglove
I also didn't realize Platinum Blonde frontman Mark Holmes put out an album called Are You Sitting Comfortably? in 2007. Oasis and maybe The Beatles seem to be some reference points for the following track.
Supposedly last March, Mark Holmes announced on MuchMore's Daily Fix that a Platinum Blonde reunion is in the works with a new recording and tour. I haven't been able to find any more info on that tidbit, so we'll see if it happens. The CC/Robert Smith song is getting some good hype, and I think it's going to be more popular than Platinum Blonde ever were. Next up? Coney Hatch covers? Men Without Hats? Chalk Circle maybe?
Crystal Castles is available anywhere and everywhere.
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