A few years back, a singer and a drummer I knew lived in an old house on Lipton Street in Winnipeg. They had monster parties there, the kind that spill out onto the street, make new friends and enemies, give birth to outlandish stories...you know. Sometimes it seemed like anyone who had ever been to the Albert was at every party there. Of course, there was always good music at these shindigs. So when I heard there was a rock band going by the name of The Liptonians, I knew we were in for some memorable music and good times. The Liptonians are getting set to celebrate the impending February 8 release of a new long-playing record album, Let's All March Back Into the Sea. A CD release party will happen sadly not on Lipton Street, but at the West End Cultural Centre on Feb. 6. Here's an acoustic version of one of the songs off the new one:
The Liptonians - Perfect Swimmers (Album Fundraiser) from Nice! Productions on Vimeo.
The Liptonians may have seemed like one of those sweet little finds coming outta nowhere for their first record, but now that the group's garnered some fine press and won a Western Canadian Music Award for Outstanding Pop Recording ("Outstanding" sounds so much better than "Best", it brings up an image of a person standing alone, head held high, in the middle of a wheat field), lots of folks will be expecting good things from the new one. Coming out on the Head in the Sand label and the fine Sonic Unyon label, distribution by Universal, promoted by Killbeat - seems like the ducks are in a row for this one. And since Liptonian founding members Matt Schellenberg and Bucky Driedger are part of the Head in the Sand collective and have played and recorded with Winnipeg bright lights such as Royal Canoe, Courier News, Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers and Les Jupes, an extra buzz is being generated already, two months before the official release date. Can't you hear it?
"Earnestly delivered music for fans of Wilco and Spoon", the band's website proclaims. Not that the band will be frequently confused with either of those bands, but like them, The Liptonians have no problem taking elements of classic rock and pop and messing with them just enough to make 'em sound kinda newfangled. Here's You Know I Did from Let's All March Back Into the Sea, it's a pretty good example of that sweet messin'.
The Liptonians-You Know I Did by scruffy the yak
Here's the tracklist. I haven't heard the whole thing yet (Ahem! Killbeat!), but I can't wait to hear tracks 5 and 8 just based on their titles. You can listen to a few more tunes on the band's website, as well as a few more on the Facebook page, where you can also enter a contest to win shiny vinyl and CD copies of the album before it comes out and two tickets to the Liptonians Dec. 19th show at the Pyramid. You can also download another Liptonians tune, along with tracks from Boats, Les Jupes, Holy Fuck, Japandroids and more, from the Pop ETC. festival.
1. Terrell's Dream
2. You Know I Did
3. Hey! Hey! Help Is On Its Way Now!
4. Growing Old In The City
5. The Privatest Parts
6. Perfect Swimmers
7. Calling You Out
8. Ghosts In My Garden
9. Lesage
10. Roller Coaster
11. March Back Into The Sea
The album is not available for pre-order, at least not at the moment, but it should be available at all fine music stores as well as the Head in the Sand site. This video explains the creation of the new album pretty well, and if you want you can see more "making of" footage here.
The Liptonians from Eric Sung on Vimeo.
1 comment:
Very nice, I like the bari sax.
You don't hear enough bari sax in music these days.
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